Click the video to hear a message from Pastor Jair, our Associate Pastor.
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families…”
Psalm 68:5-6 NIV
Community and discipleship are an integral part of Church life. At New Life, Life Groups have been designed to support spiritual growth and individual ministry, while encouraging living life together as a community.
We all need others in our lives. Life groups facilitate to know each other in a meaningful way, while studying the Word and relevant topics from a Christian worldview. They are also a great vehicle to bring ministry and discipleship in a smaller context.
Evangelism can sound intimidating, but it simply starts with a Life Shared. The Life Shared Series is a three part series designed to encourage and equip everyone in the church to share their faith.
The Alpha Course is an effective form of evangelism. By focusing on the fundamentals of Christianity, Alpha opens the door for conversations and engaging in discussions that have the potential to transform anyone’s life. For more information or to sign up for our next Alpha CLICK HERE.
There is no age limits in our church family. At J.O.Y., (Just Older Youth) we care and encourage community among those that are older youth.” J.O.Y. gathers once a month but also comes together for meals and other events. For more information and events CLICK HERE.
Sanctuary is an initiative that desires to bring not only Mental Health awareness to the Church but also envisions a future where the Church plays a vital role in supporting mental health and well-being in every community. For more information and to sign up CLICK HERE.